class: center, middle # autoCaret ## make 🤖 machine learning easier ### Greg C, Michael M, Rock B ### 2016/12/7 --- class: left # Meet Andy. Andy is a data analyst. <img src="images/slide1_andy.png" width="40%" height="40%" align="right"/> ### Andy’s skills: 1. SQL 2. Regex 3. BI tools like Tableau 4. Novice R programming --- class: left # Meet Scott. Scott is a data scientist <img src="images/slide2_scott.png" width="40%" height="40%" align="right"/> ### Scott’s skills: 1. Machine learning 2. Advanced Stats 3. Experimentation 4. Expert R programming --- # Analyst Andy's boss wants him to be more like Data Scientist Scott <img src="images/slide3_boss_andy.png" width="103%" height="103%" align="middle"/> --- class: left # But machine learning is hard! <img src="images/slide4_andy.png" width="40%" height="40%" align="right"/> ### Analyst Andy has to learn: 1. More `R` 2. Validation & splitting 3. Pre-processing 4. Feature Selection 5. Model Training 6. Model selection 7. Ensembling 8. Validation 9. Model Extension, etc --- class: left # Enter `autoCaret`! <img src="images/slide5_r.png" width="30%" height="30%" align="right"/> ### What is it? - An `R` package for data analysts - Automates training binary classifiers - Has an easy to GUI via an R Studio Add-in - Wraps the `caret` and `caretEnsemble` packages - Allows the analyst to learn in the language they will progress into --- class: left # autoCaret helps Andy adapt his skills <img src="images/slide6_autocaret.png" width="105%" height="105%" align="middle"/> --- # Andy can train a full model in 1 line of `R` ```r library(autoCaret) library(mlbench) data(Sonar) mod <- autoCaret::autoModel(Sonar, Class, progressBar = FALSE) ``` --- # Andy also gets very useful information about what happened! ```r summary(mod) ``` <img src="images/slide7_summary.png" width="90%" height="90%" align="middle"/> --- # A GUI allows him to further compare and explore his models ```r autoCaret:::autoCaretUI() ``` <img src="images/autoCaret_model_summary.gif" width="70%" height="70%" align="middle"/> --- class: left # autoCaret helps make Andy be more like Scott <img src="images/slide8_andy_scott.png" width="95%" height="95%" align="middle"/> --- class: center, middle # Thanks! autoCaret is available on [**github**]( More info on the project, the package and its features can be found at [****]( Slides created via the R package [**xaringan**]( using [R Markdown](